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Loving Kindness Meditation

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

Whenever there is global division such as war or international political discussion - which seems to be most of the time at the moment - I always think about the practice of Loving Kindness Meditation.

Many of us get stuck in a mentally of blaming others, wishing things were different or feeling powerless to make any change.

Taking a moment to connect to your breath and consciously send love to someone you actively dislike feels like a radical act. And that’s the climax of this practice.

You start either laying down or sitting in a comfortable meditation posture. Visualise yourself. A happy, fulfilled, glowing you. You at your absolute best. Think: ‘May I be well. May I be happy. May I be free from suffering.’ Chant this several times as you breathe evenly and continue to visualise the happy, glowing you.

Then move on to someone close to you, whom you love. Visualise them happy, fulfilled, glowing with health and vitality. Think: ‘May this person be well. May they be happy. May they be free from suffering.’ Focus on the image of them and repeat the chant several times.

Then repeat the process with a neutral person; someone you have no strong feelings about either way. Perhaps the person you see on your dog walk or who sells you your morning paper. Someone whose face you know, but who has no effect on your life one way or other.

Now repeat it with somebody you actively dislike. Someone who annoys you. Someone who wronged you, even. Someone who, just maybe, doesn’t even deserve your well wishes. Maybe it’s someone you know. Maybe it’s someone you’re hoping won’t be elected. Do it anyway. Feel the challenge. Notice the feelings it brings up. Wish this person well. They are also a human being. Be radical.

Imagine extending your well wishes beyond the person you dislike, to all the people who you love, and then even to all the other people in the world whom you don't even know. Feel your loving kindness spreading out from you, wishing others health and happiness.

Release the practice and reconnect to your breath. Observe how you feel now. It will be different for everyone but it’s a very interesting process.

The Dalai Lama said 'If every 8-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.' It might not be that simple, but I wish that world leaders had to do this practice every day, before they make the decisions that affect us all.

I wonder how different the world would be if they did.

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